#AskAnArchivist Day 2019

I crunched the old numbers and it seems that this is my 50th Things I’m Fonds Of post! I can’t quite believe it!  It blew me away so I didn’t want this milestone to go unmentioned. Now on with today’s post…

Typically I am all about #AskAnArchivist Day and I follow along obsessively, trying to capture the feel of the day and the types of questions that are being asked so that I can provide a summary for this blog. This year, however, I have the distinct pleasure of being the Program Committee Chair for the upcoming 2020 conference of the Association of Canadian Archivists and our submission period closed on October 1st. That meant that on #AskAnArchivist Day I was busily wading through all the fantastic conference submissions and getting everything ready for my team to review.

Not wanting to be totally out of the loop, I decided to check in after the fact and compile a post with my favourite tweets from yesterday. Enjoy!


The ever-present “no gloves?!” question…

This video from the University of Minnesota Libraries made me anxious! I can’t imagine having to go through all of this rigmarole every time I needed to access a box!

My favourite answer to “strangest item in the collection?”

Dear: Past Archivist…


I so desperately want to know what the kid actually meant!

A serious question and thread about a problem the profession is (or maybe isn’t) grappling with (with some great thoughts on why courtesy of @ArchiveThoughts )


I got inspired to start my own weird paper clip collection…


Some great laughs courtesy of  @digitalarchivy 


Archivists sharing their first collections – LOVED reading through all these memories.


Sad that I couldn’t be a part of the day but happy that I got to relive it today. I will leave you with some words of support and wisdom from Ryan.